Student Support

Student Support

Educational Supports

  • Admissions and Records

    确保学生获得公开和公平的入学申请、注册、 记录请求,成绩单评估,先决条件许可,并授予学位.

  • Back on Track

    学生成功服务致力于帮助那些有辍学风险的学生 没有通过提供个性化服务来达到满意的学术进步(SAP) assistance and referrals to support services. The program, Back on Track, is designed 为在巴特面临学术挑战的学生提供量身定制的干预措施 College. Schedule an Appointment

  • Black Leadership and Culture Center (BLAC Center)

    一个致力于学术成功、个人成长和发展的学习型社区 of self and community of African American students.

  • Career Center

    通往事业成功的大门:专家指导、资源和工作机会 tailored for students to excel in their professional journey.

  • Center for Access, Support & Achievement (CASA)

    CASA为拉丁裔学生提供他们所需的资源 to success.

  • Center for Academic Success

    CAS提供了一个温馨的学习场所以及支持你的学术资源 success.

  • Counseling & Advising

    The Counseling & 咨询部门提供各种学术,职业和个人 辅导服务,协助学生达成目标.

  • Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)

    残疾学生计划和服务(DSPS)是负责确定的办公室 为残疾学生提供学术住宿和调整的资格.

  • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS and CARE)

    为第一代,低收入和弱势群体提供超越支持服务 students.

  • Inspiring Scholars

    激励学者是一个为13岁和13岁以后被照顾的青少年提供的项目 are under age 26.

  • International Students

    提供一系列服务,以满足国际学生的独特需求 studying at Butte College with an F-1 visa.

  • Library

    通过研究协助、在线资源、安静或小组来支持你的课程 study spaces, print, eBook, or textbook checkouts, and more!

  • Native American Center

    校园内的物理空间,支持原住民的学术和文化需求 American students.

  • Puente Project

    PUENTE 与他们的辅导员,英语老师和导师密切合作,准备课程 for transfer to four-year colleges and universities.  (530) 895-2378

  • Support Center

    The Support Center provides comprehensive support & solutions as the central hub for phone inquiries from students, staff, faculty, & the community.

  • Transfer Counseling Center

    学生将获得有关转学的专业信息和咨询 加州或州外的公立或私立大学或学院.

  • TRIO Student Support Services

    支持第一代学生和残疾学生取得成功 in college through social, emotional, and academic support.

  • UndocuCenter

    我们的无证移民中心努力欢迎和服务我们的无证和混合移民 为学生提供成功所需的工具、服务和资源 Butte College.

  • Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

    退伍军人服务授权和支持退伍军人及其家属在他们的过渡 以高等教育为宗旨,为学术、个人、 and professional success.

Financial Resources

  • Financial Aid

    财政援助办公室支持E世博ESBALL以学生为中心的使命 方法,通过提供援助和财务指导,使学生获得,坚持 and completion of higher education.

  • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS and CARE)

    为第一代,低收入和弱势群体提供超越支持服务 students.

  • Support Center

    The Support Center provides comprehensive support & solutions as the central hub for phone inquiries from students, staff, faculty, & the community.

  • Career Center

    通往事业成功的大门:专家指导、资源和工作机会 tailored for students to excel in their professional journey.

  • Admissions & Records

    确保学生获得公开和公平的入学申请、注册、 记录请求,成绩单评估,先决条件许可,并授予学位.

  • Inspiring Scholars

    激励学者是一个为13岁和13岁以后被照顾的青少年提供的项目 are under age 26.

  • Veterans Resource Center

    退伍军人服务授权和支持退伍军人及其家属在他们的过渡 以高等教育为宗旨,为学术、个人、 and professional success.

  • Scholarships

    奖学金是一种礼物援助,可以用来支持学生的教育,而且确实如此 not require repayment.

Basic Needs

  • Road Runner Hub

    Roadrunner Hub基本需求资源中心是一个由人和项目组成的网络 他们为学生提供食物、住房资源和其他服务,以限制障碍 to their educational goals and success.

  • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS and CARE)

    为第一代,低收入和弱势群体提供超越支持服务 students.

  • Back on Track

    学生成功服务致力于帮助那些有辍学风险的学生 没有通过提供个性化服务来达到满意的学术进步(SAP) assistance and referrals to support services. The program, Back on Track, is designed 为在巴特面临学术挑战的学生提供量身定制的干预措施 College. Schedule an Appointment

  • Student Parents

    我们知道,当你们努力追求自己的教育目标、管理账单时, 工作和家庭——“生活”可以把你的注意力和优先事项从课堂上转移开. "Life" can happen in a lot of different ways.

    Whatever your case may be, we have resources to help you. Our goal is to ensure you are successful in pursuing your educational goals.

Health and Well-Being


  • Library

    通过研究协助、在线资源、安静或小组来支持你的课程 study spaces, print, eBook, or textbook checkouts, and more!

  • Student Tech Support

    巴特信息技术公司为学生提供密码等方面的支持 和多因素设置,连接到WiFi,或帮助与画布. Come visit us in person AHPS South - Room 174 or give us a call at 530-895-2888.

Campus Life

  • Culture & Community Center

    The Culture & 社区中心倡导和授权E世博ESBALL的多元化 社区通过提供教育项目和文化活动在一个安全和互动 人们聚集在一起了解自己和他人的环境.

  • Student Life

    E世博ESBALL学生生活办公室在这里鼓励学生参与 on campus and support student initiatives.

  • Native American Center

    校园内的物理空间,支持原住民的学术和文化需求 American students.

  • Puente Project

    PUENTE 与他们的辅导员,英语老师和导师密切合作,准备课程 for transfer to four-year colleges and universities.  (530) 895-2378

  • Welcome Center

    欢迎中心是未来和即将入学的学生的中心资源中心, 为学生顺利过渡到校园提供支持、信息和指导 life and the educational journey.

  • CASA

    CASA为拉丁裔学生提供他们所需的资源 to success.

  • International Students

    提供一系列服务,以满足国际学生的独特需求 studying at Butte College with an F-1 visa.

  • Black Leadership and Culture Center (BLAC Center)

    一个致力于学术成功、个人成长和发展的学习型社区 of self and community of African American students.

  • UndocuCenter

    我们的无证移民中心努力欢迎和服务我们的无证和混合移民 为学生提供成功所需的工具、服务和资源 Butte College.

  • QRC

    酷儿资源中心的使命是营造一个安全、包容的环境 为LGBTQIA2S+学生提供基本需求和公平的机会来帮助学生 meet their education goals.

  • Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

    退伍军人服务授权和支持退伍军人及其家属在他们的过渡 以高等教育为宗旨,为学术、个人、 and professional success.

  • Student Belonging and Empowerment

    学生归属和授权通过优先级提高教育经验 a sense of belonging for historically minoritized students.

Campus Safety

  • Campus Police

    学院警察局负责执法和所有紧急情况 responses on campus. 学院警察局也负责提供 为满足校园社区需求而量身定制的支持服务.

  • Title IX

    支持遭受性或基于性别的骚扰或歧视的个人 in any educational program or activity.

  • Report IT

    E世博ESBALL致力于创造一个安全、支持性的学习和工作环境 for all members of the campus community.

Support Programs

  • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS and CARE)

    为第一代,低收入和弱势群体提供超越支持服务 students.

  • Center for Access, Support & Achievement (CASA)

    CASA为拉丁裔学生提供他们所需的资源 to success.

  • Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS)

    残疾学生计划和服务(DSPS)是负责确定的办公室 为残疾学生提供学术住宿和调整的资格.

  • Inspiring Scholars

    激励学者是一个为13岁和13岁以后被照顾的青少年提供的项目 are under age 26.

  • International Students

    提供一系列服务,以满足国际学生的独特需求 studying at Butte College with an F-1 visa.

  • Native American Center

    校园内的物理空间,支持原住民的学术和文化需求 American students.

  • Puente Project

    PUENTE 与他们的辅导员,英语老师和导师密切合作,准备课程 for transfer to four-year colleges and universities.  (530) 895-2378

  • Back on Track

    学生成功服务致力于帮助那些有辍学风险的学生 没有通过提供个性化服务来达到满意的学术进步(SAP) assistance and referrals to support services. The program, Back on Track, is designed 为在巴特面临学术挑战的学生提供量身定制的干预措施 College. Schedule an Appointment

  • Support Center

    The Support Center provides comprehensive support & solutions as the central hub for phone inquiries from students, staff, faculty, & the community.

  • Transfer Counseling Center

    学生将获得有关转学的专业信息和咨询 加州或州外的公立或私立大学或学院.

  • TRIO Student Support Services

    支持第一代学生和残疾学生取得成功 in college through social, emotional, and academic support.

  • Black Leadership and Culture Center (BLAC Center)

    一个致力于学术成功、个人成长和发展的学习型社区 of self and community of African American students.

  • UndocuCenter

    我们的无证移民中心努力欢迎和服务我们的无证和混合移民 为学生提供成功所需的工具、服务和资源 Butte College.

  • Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

    退伍军人服务授权和支持退伍军人及其家属在他们的过渡 以高等教育为宗旨,为学术、个人、 and professional success.

  • QRC

    酷儿资源中心的使命是营造一个安全、包容的环境 为LGBTQIA2S+学生提供基本需求和公平的机会来帮助学生 meet their education goals.

Campus Maps and Transportation